Passive Income With Advertising

Earn with HadsUp Advertising Bits

Passive Income With Advertising

What is HadsUp Advertising Bit?

HadsUp advertising displays are working on the various locations.

Each ad spot works under the Bit Revenue Share Partnership model.

HadsUp offers excellent opportunities to passive income seekers with lower budgets. Buying HadsUp Advertising Bits on each Ad Spot will get you into advertising revenue share.

Each Ad spot is created by 20 HadsUp Advertising Bits.

Advertising Bit

It is a digital product creates HadsUp Advertising Display Spots, working under advertising revenue share model on HadsUp platform.

Bit Revenue Model

How Does HadsUp Advetising
Bit Generate Income?

Every advertising spot generates revenue daily base.

The system calculates the daily average ad spot's revenue from the whole network.

Ad spot's average revenue is divided by 20 HadsUp Advertising Bits.

The system calculates average advertising bit revenue per day.

Advertising bits revenue partners share each bit revenue with their assigned rate.

Build Your HadsUp
Advertising Bits Empire

£ 250.00

Sample- ROI Table

£ 500.00

AdBit Potential NET Revenue

£ 250.0050.00%

Bits Revenue Earning - until ROI

Sample- Ongoing Revenue Earnings - Annual


£ 25.20

Bits Renewal Cost After ROI

£ 474.80

Bits Net Revenue After Renewal Cost

£ 47.4810.00%

Bits Revenue Earning Continue ROI

*Note: Once you get your invested amount through returns, then renewal cost is applied to your annual revenue of bits and you earn 10% on net revenue.*

£ 500.00

Each Ad spot is
created by 20 HadsUp
Advertising Bits.

£ 250.0050.00%


£ 250.00

1 Ad Spot = 20 Bits
  • Display Type: Floor Board
  • Venue Type: High street groceries
  • Number of Ad Spots: 1
50% OF REVENUE SHARE EARNING FROM each Advertising Bit.

Return On Investment with Revenue Share Model.

Continue the revenue earnings on purchased bits with a 10% revenue share after the return on investment is completed.